Jaime’s Favorites: October 2024


Are you past your summer hangover? 🍁

I hope this finds you after an amazing, restful summer! A friend recently asked me if "summer swallowed me whole"—and honestly? The answer is yes, 100%. 😅 Since moving from NH to MN, it’s become the time of year when everyone visits, and I feel so grateful (and loved) that they do. After 9(!) rounds of revolving-door guests, it’s been wonderfully chaotic. Now, as fall settles in, I’m looking forward to the refocus that this season brings.

I hope your summer was equally beautiful and that by now, you're past the "summer hangover" and fully settled into your fall routine. Below are a few of my favorite things to share since we last connected!

- Warmly, Jaime

Software Addiction: YNAB

If you’ve been feeling less-than-empowered when it comes to managing your business finances, I totally get it. But I’ve found the most approachable and game-changing tool that has transformed the way I budget and plan for my business—and I can’t keep it to myself. 🙌 Now, every dollar has a job, and I know exactly where my money is going.

Check it out YNAB!

What I’m Reading & Recommending: The Pivot Year by Brianna Wiest

If you haven’t heard of The Pivot Year by Brianna Wiest, you need to check it out—especially if journaling, meditation, or self-reflection are part of your routine. This book offers a daily dose of perspective on how to view yourself and the world around you, and even just reading it each day has been so transformative for me. Grab your copy here: The Pivot Year by Brianna Wiest

Things That Make Life Better: Create and Honor Your Own Schedule

Here’s something it’s taken me wayyy too long to figure out—when we start as business owners, we tend to carry over all the “shoulds” from our previous jobs. We think we need to mirror that 8-5 schedule to be successful. But the coolest part of entrepreneurship? The best thing for you as a person is usually the best thing for your business, too. For me, that means not getting up super early and only starting my day after I’ve done my personal growth (journaling, meditation, gym). My workday kicks off around 10 or 11, and the second I stopped forcing myself into a traditional schedule, I found more rest, inspiration, and—most importantly—success. Funny how that works, right? 😉 So here’s your permission slip: lean into what works for you.

Quotes that Hit:

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” - Winson Churchill

I was just talking about this with Woody the other day—how true success isn’t about avoiding failure, but about showing up again and again with the same energy and drive, even when things don’t go as planned. Stay committed, keep pushing, and your moment will come.

Let’s Meet Up!

Our Simple Marketing Systems will streamline your content marketing to be more effective and efficient. You can engage with this framework with two different levels of support:

  • MarketingOS: Custom annual editorial calendars and 90-day detailed content calendars tailored to your brand complete with trainings, ChatGPT prompts and Canva templates.

  • Creative Agency OS: End-to-end operating system for your creative agency to guarantee profitability and scalability. Includes project management, time & people management, client boarding, quoting, job costing, staff training & onboarding, and more.


Why Fully Outsourced Marketing Isn’t the Solution You Think It Is - And What to Do Instead


Jaime’s Favorites: End of May 2024