Stop Hiding: 3 Excuses You're Making to Avoid Marketing

In the heart of every entrepreneur lies a vision—a dream of transforming lives with their services and products and, at a minimum, changing our own lives through time and financial freedom that can come by being your own boss. Yet, it's astonishing how often we, myself included, craft narratives that essentially shield us from the spotlight, the very place where our dreams have the chance to flourish. Let's face it: visibility is the lifeblood of any business. Without it, our potential to impact remains just that: potential.

I've recently started a life-changing morning routine: journaling followed by meditation, then usually the gym, but, yes, occasionally diving straight into work in my pajamas (we've all been there). During this morning's routine, I had a stark realization that I'd been hiding, buried under justifications that felt comforting yet were barricading my visibility.

So, let's dissect these rationalizations, not with judgment but with a lens of understanding and a roadmap to stepping into our spotlight.

The Time Myth: "I don't have enough time."

This classic excuse wears the guise of busyness, yet on closer inspection, reveals itself as a master of disguise. We've all danced with productive distractions—those tasks that give the illusion of progress but sidestep the actions that could propel us forward. Whether it's endless planning, optimizing systems (maybe this one is just me!), or scrolling through social media, these activities silently whisper, "You're busy enough; that post, email, or blog can wait."

But let's challenge this narrative. If we are sidelining visibility and marketing due to time constraints, it's time to reevaluate priorities. Marketing isn't just another task; it's the bridge connecting your vision to the world. Ditch the illusion of busyness for genuine progress. The truth? You have the time; it's about making visibility a non-negotiable.

The Clarity Conundrum: "My message isn't clear enough."

Business transition periods are ripe with growth, yet they're also breeding grounds for the "clarity" excuse. The belief that perfect messaging precedes marketing is a misconception holding you back. Remember, clarity comes through action, not contemplation.

'Message clarity' is my excuse for not showing up and hiding. Weatherby Media has transitioned from a full-service, do-everything-for-everyone marketing agency to a marketing strategy, systems, and agency operations company offering detailed content marketing strategies and complete creative agency operating systems. And through this change, I've faced my share of voicelessness. Transitioning our services wasn't just a business shift but a reinvention of our narrative and message. And yes, it led to a period of silence. But silence breeds stagnation. The only way to refine your message is through expression. Dive in, share your journey, and watch as your authentic voice emerges from the echoes of interaction.

The Complacency Trap: "I don't need more clients."

Ah, the luxury of a full client list—yet another facade masking the necessity of visibility. Drawing from Mike Michalowicz's The Pumpkin Plan, pruning for growth isn't just about maintaining; it's about elevating. A full roster should not equate to marketing complacency. Imagine a scenario where demand allows you not just to fill your slots but to curate them. Visibility ensures that your business isn't just surviving; it's thriving, selecting, and setting premiums that reflect your unparalleled value.

Let's show up and stop hiding - together.

Knowing you're not alone if you've recognized yourself in these rationalizations. I've been there, particularly with the clarity conundrum. However, the first step toward transformation is identifying these excuses for what they are—comfort zones masquerading as justifiable barriers.

Marketing is an inside job. With Canva for designs and programs like ChatGPT for copywriting, content creation is accessible to all in an exciting way. Because of this, we don't recommend you fully outsource your marketing. Your personality, authenticity, and genuine humanness are needed more than ever to stand out. But that doesn't mean you have to tackle it alone, either. Our Custom Content Strategies will give you detailed training and instructions on your content marketing each quarter down to email subject lines, blog outlines, and specific post hashtags so that you have accountability, clarity, direction, and empowerment to show up consistently, build your thought leadership and brand. Grab a time on my calendar to see how working together will propel you forward.

Let’s Meet Up!

Our Simple Marketing Systems will streamline your content marketing to be more effective and efficient. You can engage with this framework with two different levels of support:

  • Custom Content Strategies: Custom annual editorial calendars and 90-day detailed content calendars tailored to your brand complete with trainings, ChatGPT prompts and Canva templates.

  • Creative Agency OS: End-to-end operating system for your creative agency to guarantee profitability and scalability. Includes project management, time & people management, client boarding, quoting, job costing, staff training & onboarding, and more.


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